The Daily G.I.F.T. from The GratiDude
Do a CliffsNotes Morning Routine-100 seconds of breath and just saying "thanks".
The G.I.F.T. Today
Grateful: for having found my special purpose like Navin in The Jerk.
Intention-be a flashlight in the dank dark cave
First-call with Ricardo K
Things-coordinate ride with Lucas Skywalker
Morning Meditation from The GratiDude
If I look back objectively at different periods of my life, it’s extremely easy to see when I was most healthy and when I was least healthy.
A very simple and obvious first thing I can look at which is almost cheating. It’s just my weight.
I’ve had two fat periods in my life and they were both when I was at existential or traumatic inflection points of massive growth or change and I was unable to process what was going on emotionally spiritually psychologically, and I clearly turned to over consumption of both food and alcohol.
My first fat period came when I was just 18 years old after I tore my rotator cuff attempting to play baseball at Western Michigan in the cultural capital of the Midwest, Kalamazoo. I gorged myself mightily on dormitory food and keg beer and by May I had gained a solid 35 pounds.
I didn’t lose that weight until I moved to California and got back down to a good fighting weight by the time I was 20/21 years old.
My next fat period came after we moved from California to Sarasota in 2007, packed on weight in 2008, was BIG in 2009 and that lasted until 2011.
The financial collapse was happening in 2008, the mother of my kids was pregnant and subsequently had our first child together, and I had entered into a massive business opportunity around consolidating and rolling up the Golf Car GPS Telematics Industry Bart Collins doing heavy lifting, then Falconhead Capital and Tom Christopoul, and my old school golf technology partners here in Sarasota of course!
I was absolutely freaking out on every level and I got fat quick and it took a few years again for that to come off, and I was just joking yesterday that at one point I got down to only three pairs of pants that fit me; one black one brown, and one gray. That’s pretty bad folks for a guy that really likes clothes.
The other less obvious and just is accurate way to look back at healthy periods in my life is by not even looking at myself and just looking at the friends and people closest to me, what they talk about and where their focus is.
My squad and people today are focused on health and growth, exclusively support and love mutually.
Do you see how simple that is?
Yes, to a significant extent, you can "program" your brain for positivity by actively practicing positive thinking habits, such as gratitude journaling, mindful awareness of your thoughts, deliberately reframing negative situations, and surrounding yourself with positive influences, which leverages the brain's neuroplasticity to create new neural pathways associated with optimism and positive emotions; essentially, by consistently choosing to focus on the good, you can gradually rewire your brain to be more positive.
Key points about "programming" your brain for positivity:
The brain's ability to adapt and change throughout life is key to rewiring negative thought patterns into positive ones.
Conscious effort:
You need to actively monitor your thoughts and consciously choose to replace negative thoughts with more positive ones.
Positive practices:
Techniques like gratitude journaling, visualization, affirmations, and spending time with positive people can help cultivate a positive mindset.
Habit formation:
Consistency is key. By practicing positive thinking regularly, you can gradually develop a more optimistic outlook.
As we get older and we have access to increased information, we often make things more complicated than they really need to be.
Just saying “all is well “changes everything in your frequency and body.
That could be your ENTIRE morning prayer.
“Everything is working out for my highest good”-a straight up, gratitude mantra that reminds you that even if you don’t understand why things are happening or where the lesson will be your life experience is exactly as it should be, and there are blessings everywhere that revealed themselves overtime.
I say every day that God in the universe are conspiring for the happiness of myself and my copilot the GratiDude.
Good comes to us because we choose to see the good and because we know that there are good lessons even in challenges and difficult circumstances.
These are critical reminders for your subconscious first thing in the morning and the reason I am writing this post today is to give you this prayer that leaves you no excuse to not start your day exactly as you should by connecting to something bigger than yourself and by keeping your focus on abundance as the tone to set for beginning of your day.
If you have not gone 30 or 60 days in a row in the morning of starting your day by choosing your own first thoughts and not grabbing your phone, you really have no idea of your own potential and the amount of calm and tranquility that you have hidden inside of you.
This is practical real neuroscience, proven methodologies for improving your disposition by creating a proclivity to positivity.
You are going to choose a talk track for your mind of some kind.
Why not choose gratitude?
Those of us that are tapped into the reality of how much our thoughts influence our behavior in reality, we need to share this with our friends and family going forward and perhaps this is the true gift we can give around the holiday season this year.
Little nuggets of gratitude and mindfulness for our friends and family, gather around the mistletoe.
Beats the hell out of a lump of coal, right?
I have some of the old school big bulb Christmas lights arriving to put up in my window today and I absolutely love the old kind of lights. You know, the lights that would frustrate you, burn out regularly… but have that really cool soft glow that reminds me of the 70s and some good childhood memories.
I Double Dog Dare you to create some new memories this holiday season with love and gratitude, and maybe some hot chocolate to wash it all down, as we share the gift of our attitude of gratitude.
Thank you sincerely.
Every day, every way, grateful.
I am here to help, add somebody that needs a “check up from the neck up”
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