The Daily G.I.F.T. from The GratiDude
Don't wait until its too late, express your love and appreciation today. You won't be sorry you did it.
The G.I.F.T. Today
Grateful: to begin what has always been my favorite month with Kevapalooza on the 5th(get tickets now)
Intention-big to little with flow
First-retreat google lists
Things-get a few things together for HH
Morning Meditation from The GratiDude
I have a T-shirt that says, “Shits been weird since Prince died.”
Hard to argue with that.
More times than not we don’t appreciate things and especially people until they’re gone.
Yesterday I was surprised and shocked really to see that the NBA basketball player and global human rights ambassador to Dikembe Mutombo, had passed away at the young age of 58 from brain cancer.
He was an incredible basketball player for sure, but he also demonstrated a sparkling personality, effervescent energy, and he went on to be an advocate and a leader for human rights injustice in Africa, where he came from.
There are today, friends and family Dikembe that are really wishing they would’ve been more over in their communication, expressing their appreciation and love for him while he was still alive and with us in this earthly dimension.
Unfortunately, both him and them have missed that opportunity and will have to get together in a different way in a different dimension in a different place at a different time in the future.
Even if you don’t get all emotional and touchy-feely, like I do tell everyone that you love them, you can at the very least express thanks and appreciation for the people in your life and you can do that today.
And it’s not a huge list, right?
How about just six or maybe 12 people that cover areas of your life that are most important to you so that would include your form of employment or work perhaps organizations you belong to and participate in, even people in the community that you interact with regularly such as shop owners or perhaps in instructors for sports or activities.
Make a quick list on your phone or in your mind and just shoot them all a text. You can even make it easy on yourself and just copy and paste the same text along the lines of “nothing urgent. Just wanted to send you some good energy and let you know that you are appreciated. Thank you for being in my life.”
Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?
And each time you express your appreciation to your Friends and Family, you get HEALTHIER!!
Expressing appreciation to loved ones is fundamentally a Gratitude Practice, and it can have many health benefits, including:
Improved mood
Gratitude can elevate your mood, especially if you thank someone you've been wanting to show gratitude to for a long time.
Reduced stress and anxiety
Gratitude can help reduce stress and anxiety levels by shifting your focus away from negative thoughts and worries.
Better sleep
People who are grateful tend to sleep longer and report better sleep quality.
Improved patience
Gratitude can help you be more patient and wait for gratification.
Stronger relationships
Expressing appreciation can strengthen your bonds with loved ones, leading to more fulfilling relationships.
Enhanced physical health.
People who regularly express gratitude tend to have stronger immune systems, lower blood pressure, and exercise more regularly.
Gratitude triggers the brain to release neurotransmitters and hormones associated with happiness, including dopamine and serotonin. Low levels of these hormones can cause depression.
A few practical ways to increase your gratitude levels include writing thank you notes or keeping a daily gratitude journal.
These inspirations and ideas to recognize what’s important in our life will only come to us when we are still in the present. When our mind is racing into the future with all sorts of ego, thoughts, or anxiety thoughts, or were living in the past, wishing we had done something different with our lives we are not in the moment and having the ability to be appreciative and thankful for others.
Our thoughts are selfish when we are thinking about the future or in the past because we’re not sharing our energy with anyone else. We’re making things up and living in a fantasy world and everyone’s waiting for us to play.
Let’s not end up like that relative of Dikembe that was wishing they would’ve called him back last week when they got a message from him or something like that and instead, let’s reach out and be initiative-taking and expressing our appreciation for the good people in our life.
We get caught up in the pressures and the expectations of everyday life so that we forget the reasons why we are doing deals or working or building businesses. It’s to be able to spend time and take care of the people we love.
To squeeze a little bit of time in here and there for our loved ones in between work, that’s upside down.
If we’re going to make it just a tiny bit of lemonade out of this recent storm that we’ve had here in the southeast that will go down as one of the biggest catastrophic storms in the history of our country. We certainly realize what’s important and how fleeting material possessions can be, especially in the face of mother nature.
What’s important is what’s in our heart and the relationships that we have with other people and those only get better when we express our appreciation and love for others directly to them.
Please do it for you and for them.
I will do it too, and every time we do it, we’re letting the world see what it looks like when somebody lives their life every single day with an attitude of gratitude.
Thank you sincerely.
Every day, every way, grateful.
I am here to help, add somebody that needs a “check up from the neck up”
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